Building Apollo

Apollo behind the scenes: see what we are working on right now!

An upcoming new look

Monday February 8, 2016

Welcome back to another Apollo update! This week we'll show you the upcoming flat look and a few other enhancements.

Flat style user interface

Since the start of the flat design trend we started thinking about making a flat look for Apollo. And then, a few months ago, we started building it! So, today we're announcing thata new, flat user interface for Apollo will be available soon!

Here's a sneak peek:

It's not a new layout – we don't want to disrupt any workflow, everything is still where it's supposed to be – but a style refresh with a bigger, cleaner font, round avatars and bolder colors. Since it might have some rough edges here and there, starting today it will be available only to those users who joined The Brave Collective.

If you're interested in trying it out (by joining The Brave Collective), drop us a line at You'll be able to switch between the classic look and the flat one. Eventually, the former will be phased out and the latter will be the only one available (cue Highlander theme song here).

Infinite writeboard revisions

We felt a little bit dumb when one of our users, Ben H., told us that he couldn't go past the 127th writeboard revision. We admit we used a light-minded approach when setting this limit.
Well, it took a few minutes to raise it and make Ben happy.

Writeboard revisions can now reach – lo and behold – over 2 billion! We know it's not really infinite, but that looked like a nice heading.

New “assigned date” information

We now store the date of assignment which, together with the completion date, will be very useful to people who want to keep track of time passed between the two dates.

You can see this information in the task's Detail tabs and in every CSV file.

That's it for today! You can see a list of changes below.
As always, thanks for reading!


  • Dragging a task now looks better, with spacing on the sides

Bug fixes

  • The company checkbox in the writeboard form's notification section wasn't selecting all users from that company
  • Creating a tasklist from a tasklist template in a PROJECT template would result in an empty tasklist
  • Tooltips were always showing the last word of a sentence on a new line
  • Some tasklist elements (the load indicators and the creation textbox's "+" icon) weren't aligned to sibling elements
  • Under very rare circumstances, saving a timer would add again the last saved time entry to the last opened project
  • The link to create a project from a deal, albeit not working, was visible to non-admin users